Dr.Öğr.Üyesi Emre Koyuncu (Uçak Mühendisliği)
http://cal.uubf.itu.edu.tr/~koyuncuEmre Koyuncu is an Assistant Professor at Istanbul Technical University in the Department of Aeronautical Engineering. He has received his B.Sc. degree in Electrical Engineering from ITU in 2005, M.Sc. degree in Mechatronics Engineering from ITU in 2008, and Ph.D. degree in Aerospace Engineering from ITU in 2015. He was a visiting researcher at Boeing Research and Technology of Europe during 2013-2014, and Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Aero-Astro Department during 2014-2015. During his Ph.D. research, he has received SESAR WP-E HALA! Research Network Ph.D. fellowship. Prof. Koyuncu has developed optimized trajectory design methods, which rely on large-scale data analysis and search methods. These methods have been applied to both short and also medium tactical term optimal 4D trajectory management for civilian aircraft. His current research focuses on; developing computationally efficient trajectory planning algorithms; airborne conflict avoidance and resolution algorithms; high-level autonomous air traffic control system; data-driven ATM network modeling, resilience problem in large scale complex systems with multiple decision makers; flight-deck decision support systems.
Dr.Öğr.Üyesi Emre Koyuncu (Uçak Mühendisliği)
http://arc.itu.edu.tr/koyuncuDr.Öğr.Üyesi Emre Koyuncu (Uçak Mühendisliği)
http://arc.itu.edu.tr/koyuncu/Dr.Öğr.Üyesi Hayri Acar (Uçak Mühendisliği)
http://akademi.itu.edu.tr/acarh/2016-2017 Güz | |
2015-2016 Bahar | |
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2024-2025 Güz |
Prof. Dr. Ali Kodal (Uçak Mühendisliği)
http://web.itu.edu.tr/kodal2016-2017 Güz | |
2016-2017 Bahar | |
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2021-2022 Yaz |
Prof.Dr. Melike Nikbay (Uzay Mühendisliği)
http://web.itu.edu.tr/~nikbay/My current research interests are mostly in multidisciplinary design optimization, computational aerodynamics, computational structural dynamics, aeroelasticity, fluid-structure interaction, supersonic flow, sonic boom minimization, uncertainty quantification, multifidelity analysis, reliability based design optimization and stochastic optimization. The platforms that we apply Multidisciplinary Optimization Tecniques techniques are in a range from UAV, UCAV, civil transport, supersonic transport, military aircraft, rocket systems to satellite and atmospheric entry vehicles.
I am the principal investigator of Aerospace Multidisciplinary Design Optimization AeroMDO LAB in ITU.
I am the principal investigator of TUBITAK 1001 project 218M471 Development of Multifidelity and Multidisciplinary Methodologies Integrating Sonic Boom, Aeroelasticity and Propulsion System for Supersonic Aircraft Design which will run between 2019- 2022. We have scholarships for graduate students in this project.
I am also the director of NATO STO Support Program Project, AVT-SP-002 Turbulence And The Aerodynamic Optimisation of Nonplanar Lifting Systems with collaboration of Istanbul Technical University (TUR) and University of Glasgow (GBR), I am collaborating with Prof. Dr. Konstantinos Kontis, 05.05.2018 - 05.05.2021.
I am the principal investigator of ITU - BAP-Scientific Research Program Project, Application of Multidisciplinary and Multi-fidelity Optimization Techniques for Supersonic Aircraft , 20.12.2019- 01.02.2021.
I am the Principal Investigator: of ITU - BAP-Scientific Research Program Project, Development of a Nonlinear Sonic Boom Prediction Software, Grant number: MYL-2020-42758, 07.08.2020-07.08.2021
We also completed an extended research for a PhD thesis on Solid Rocket Motor Propellant Design using Structural Strength and Ballistic Performance. This work can also be extended for interested students.
We are also partners in some research in NATO Science and Technology Organization Applied Vehicle Panel (related technologies for military vehicles) such as Multidisciplinary Optimization, Stochastic Optimization and Computational Validation.
After spending 2 years of research in Air Force Research Laboratory in Dayton/Ohio and in NASA Langley Research Center in Hampton/ Virginia, I got back to my faculty position in ITU in September 2016. At NASA, I worked for the Commercial Supersonic Technology Project. I focused on investigating the impact of aeroelastic uncertainties on sonic boom loudness values.
I am looking for ambitious students who are challenged with research and will continue to MS studies especially with a focus on international scientific contribution and producing publications.
Please do not hesitate to contact me to discuss your ideas and questions.
Melike Nikbay
2016-2017 Bahar | |
2017-2018 Güz | |
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Prof. Dr. Alim Rüstem Aslan (Uzay Mühendisliği)
http://eskiweb.uubf.itu.edu.tr/Icerik.aspx?sid=2741küçük uydu sistemleri tasarımı, geliştiirlmesi ve tesleri üzerine yürütülen projeler kapsamında tez konuları
rotorlu hava araçları tasarımı yazılımı geliştirilmesi konularında tez çalışması
genel araç tasarımında (otomotiv, hava, deniz) hesaplamalı akışkanlar dinamiği ve hesaplamalaı aeroakustik alanında tez çalışmaları
2016-2017 Güz | |
2015-2016 Bahar | |
2016-2017 Bahar | |
2017-2018 Güz | |
2017-2018 Bahar | |
2018-2019 Güz | |
2018-2019 Bahar | |
2019-2020 Bahar | |
2020-2021 Güz | |
2020-2021 Bahar | |
2021-2022 Güz | |
2021-2022 Yaz | |
2022-2023 Güz | |
2023-2024 Güz |
Dr.Öğr.Üyesi İsmail Bayezit (Uçak Mühendisliği)
http://akademi.itu.edu.tr/bayezit/Ögretim Görevlisi olarak Ucak ve Uzay Bilimleri fakültesinde calismaktadir. Modelleme, Stabilite, Kontrol Sistem Tasarimi, Güdüm ve Navigasyon, Insansiz Sistemler ve Kooperatif Sistemler, Akilli Sistemler ve Güc ve Aktarma Organlari tasarimi üzerine arastirmalar yapmaktadir.
İTÜ Model Tabanli Tasarim ve Kontrol Sistemleri labının yöneticisidir.
2016-2017 Güz | |
2015-2016 Bahar | |
2016-2017 Bahar | |
2017-2018 Bahar | |
2018-2019 Güz | |
2018-2019 Bahar | |
2019-2020 Bahar | |
2020-2021 Bahar | |
2021-2022 Güz | |
2021-2022 Yaz |
Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Barış Başpınar (Uçak Mühendisliği)
Prof. Dr. Gökhan İnalhan (Uçak Mühendisliği)
http://cal.uubf.itu.edu.tr/Gokhan Inalhan received his B.Sc. degree in Aeronautics from Istanbul Technical University in 1997, and the M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in Aeronautics and Astronautics from Stanford University, in 1998 and 2004 respectively. In 2003, he has received his Ph.D. Minor from Stanford University on Engineering Economics and Operations Research (currently Management Science and Engineering). Between 2004 and 2006 he had worked as a Postdoctoral associate at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. During this period he had led the Communication and Navigation group in the MIT-Draper Laboratory NASA CER project. Currently, he is a Professor at Istanbul Technical University, Faculty of Aeronautics and Astronautics and serves as the Vice Chair of the Aeronautical Engineering Department.
Prof. Inalhan has published more than 100 papers, book chapters, technical reports and proceedings on flight controls and avionics systems, spacecraft design and controls, formation flight, design of manned aircraft and unmanned vehicles, air transportation management, large-scale optimization, advanced guidance, navigation and controls. He is the founder and the Director of the Controls and Avionics Laboratory of ITU. The laboratory has designed and built the first student satellite from Turkey : ITU pSAT I. The Laboratory has been involved in numerous manned and unmanned aircraft research and industrial projects from institutes and companies such as European Commission, TUBITAK, BOEING, Turkish Airlines, ASELSAN and HAVELSAN. In addition the Laboratory is recipient of various Internation, TÜBİTAK and National awards for the undertaken projects. Prof. Inalhan is a senior member of AIAA and elected member of IEEE Technical Committee on Aerospace Controls and IFAC Transportation Systems Technical Committee. He is also a Eurocontrol Agency Team (ART) member.
Prof. Gokhan Inalhan is a founder of the Air Transportation Management Program in ITU and he is currently appointed as an Advisor to ITU Rector on R&D, Technology and Innovation.
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